The trainer will personalise and carry out these sessions to suit your needs, using all our facilities, equipment and spaces at Wunder Training. You will take these sessions in addition to your strength, resistance, mobility and functional exercise plan.
Your physical activity outside our premises will also be recommended, planned and monitored.
The sessions can be taken specifically or regularly, and last for 60 minutes.
- Sports: focusing on specific physical preparation for your sport. We design, adapt and plan all your training sessions to improve performance and avoid injuries.
- Therapy: focusing on complementing the training session to eliminate pain, excess stress, stiffness and a lack of flexibility, and to correct bad postures and bad body habits.
- For physical re-adaptation of injuries: focusing on complementing and adapting the session during recovery from an injury or for chronic injuries.
- High-intensity: focusing on intensifying and complementing the training session with different techniques and functional exercises for the physically fit who are looking for the maximum level of intensity and demand.
- For the elderly: focusing on facilitating physical exercise in the elderly or people with reduced mobility, considering their specific needs.
- Neuromuscular activation: focused on identifying muscle imbalances in order to correct them and make muscle action more efficient. The muscle or muscle group is tested analytically and through active work against resistance seeks to activate the inhibited muscles, ensuring the correct communication between the central nervous system and the muscles.
The trainer will personalise and carry out these sessions to suit your needs, using all our facilities, equipment and spaces at Wunder Training. You will take these sessions in addition to your strength, resistance, mobility and functional exercise plan.
Your physical activity outside our premises will also be recommended, planned and monitored.
The sessions can be taken specifically or regularly, and last for 60 minutes.
- Sports: focusing on specific physical preparation for your sport. We design, adapt and plan all your training sessions to improve performance and avoid injuries.
- Therapy: focusing on complementing the training session to eliminate pain, excess stress, stiffness and a lack of flexibility, and to correct bad postures and bad body habits.
- For physical re-adaptation of injuries: focusing on complementing and adapting the session during recovery from an injury or for chronic injuries.
- High-intensity: focusing on intensifying and complementing the training session with different techniques and functional exercises for the physically fit who are looking for the maximum level of intensity and demand.
- For the elderly: focusing on facilitating physical exercise in the elderly or people with reduced mobility, considering their specific needs.
- Neuromuscular activation: focused on identifying muscle imbalances in order to correct them and make muscle action more efficient. The muscle or muscle group is tested analytically and through active work against resistance seeks to activate the inhibited muscles, ensuring the correct communication between the central nervous system and the muscles.

“I suffered from back pain when playing golf, and I found it hard to keep up enough resistance for a 18-hole course. I’ve improved my physical resistance exponentially and the pain has disappeared. What I like most is seeing how my swing is getting longer and longer. Why Wunder Training? Because it’s a routine designed especially for me and because of the ratio of time and results”
“In just over a year of training at the centre I’ve increased my back strength by 22%, I have more vitality and overall strength, my muscle tone helps me in sports, and I counteract the wear and tear on my body caused by ageing”
“With Wunder Training you provide the challenge. Seeing your progress and the fact that you provide your own goals encourages you not to give up”
“I’ve always been sporty, but I needed someone to help me with my physical preparation and planning my training sessions. I don’t have much time and I’ve trusted the professionals at Wunder Training with the supervision of my training for several years now”
“Because I feel better I’m in a better mood and feel more like connecting with people and going out. The personal service, the good condition of the machines and the availability of times is what I like most about Wunder Training”
C/Muntaner 529 – Barcelona
T. 93 418 47 2093 418 47 20
Monday to Friday, 07:00 – 22:00
Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays, 09:00 – 15:00