Scoliosis Therapy, End Back Pain

Exercise from our Scoliosis Treatment to relieve pain

Medical treatment to eliminate the back pain caused by scoliosis.

What is our Scoliosis Treatment?

Scoliosis is a back disorder characterised by a side curvature of the spinal column in the shape of an “S” or a “C”. Researchers point to many reasons causing scoliosis: it can be congenital, produced by an asymmetry of the lower limbs, due to unknown causes, etc. What we do know from our experience at Wunder Training is that muscle training is an effective measure to alleviate the pains produced by this disorder.

Wunder Training Scoliosis treatment is based on use of the MedX Medical Lumbar Extension* machine to specifically strengthen the deep muscles of the spinal column and fight the pain normally caused by this disorder due to muscle imbalance.

Medical Scoliosis Therapy is provided over 12-18 sessions under medical control and the supervision of a physiotherapist during all the exercises. An initial Medical Examination is performed, along with a medical consultation for control half-way through and another at the end of the treatment.

The sessions last 30 minutes, during which the muscles are strengthened using the MedX Medical Lumbar Extension* machine and an additional programme of exercises (dorsal, cervical, pectoral, etc.) is followed, depending on individual needs.

*The Wunder Training MedX equipment was made in Europe by Delphex. All our equipment is certified by TÜV, the German technical inspection service.


We assess your case with no strings attached to recommend the best treatment

The Medical Back Therapy Machines

MedX* medical machines are used in Medical Back Therapy. This equipment is world famous for offering the best quality in the sport and rehabilitation sectors. These machines were developed based on independent university studies and have excellent biomechanical precision. What is more, they are made in Europe and are certified by TÜV, the German technical inspection service.

This certificate guarantees the equipment meets the requirements for dynamic variable progressive resistance muscle training. Technical aspects such as ergonomics, the physiological process of the load during exercise, the minimisation of friction and a precise setting of the weight make this equipment the most advanced in the sector.

The main features of the MedX* equipment include:

  • Complete isolation of the muscles to be strengthened.
  • Offsetting of the forces of gravity.
  • Measuring of the muscle strength of each individual and comparison with his or her standard group.
  • Possibility of training the widest range of motion possible.
  • Muscle fibre typing by exhaustion reaction.
  • Eccentric and concentric contraction during the exercise.
  • Muscle load according to the physiological strength curve of each individual.

MedX Medical Lumbar Extension*

This machine is used to treat problems, pain and disorders in the lumbar region.

Torso extension is a complex movement that involves the lumbar extensors, the gluteus muscles and the ischiotibial muscles. The gluteus and ischiotibial are larger and stronger muscles and, therefore, they do most of the work in many individuals, while the lumbar muscles become atrophied or weak. This can lead to problems and pain in the lumbar region and this musculature must be specifically strengthened to correct the situation.

The range of movement of the torso from full flexion to full extension is 182º. Of this total, the lumbar extensors provide 72º and the remaining 110º is from pelvic rotation. To be able to effectively strengthen the deep muscles of the lumbar spine, pelvic rotation must be avoided through immobilisation.

The MedX Medical Lumbar Extension* machine ensure the precise immobilisation of the pelvis. It is only then that the extensor muscles in the back can be exercised individually and strengthened effectively to eliminate the most common lumbar pain (lumbalgia, sciatica, disc herniation, spondylolysis, etc.).

Another exclusive advantage of this machine is the possibility of performing a Lumbar Strength Test. This measurement of strength in the lumbar muscles provides information on the initial condition of each individual and compares the results obtained with normal values for their age group, sex and weight. Likewise, repeating this Lumbar Strength Test controls and informs the patient of their evolution at the start, in the middle and at the end of treatment.

Private health insurance with reimbursement or free choice

If you have private health insurance with reimbursement or a free choice of medical professionals, you might be able to recover up to 80 % of the total amount paid for medical therapy, physiotherapy and osteopathy at Wunder Training.

Wunder Training is a private health centre that works solely with insurance companies offering reimbursements or the free choice of medical professionals.

These insurance companies offer the possibility of choosing a specialist outside their medical staff. Some of the more famous include Cigna, La Estrella, Sanitas Mundi, Mutua General de Catalunya, Axa, Adeslas Extra, HNA, Mapfre Caja, Salud, DKV Seguros, CoSalud, among others.

To check whether the reimbursement option is available to you, ask your insurance company directly. If it is, Wunder Training will prepare all the necessary documents to ensure you receive up to an 80% reimbursement on the total cost of our health treatments, or whatever percentage you have arranged with your insurance company.

The Wunder Training services included in this reimbursement are medical back, lumbar and/or neck therapy, physiotherapy and osteopathy.


C/Muntaner 529 – Barcelona
T. 93 418 47 2093 418 47 20

Monday to Friday, 07:00 – 22:00
Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays, 09:00 – 15:00

Mapa Wunder Training